Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Pulling Up

Ian pulled himself to a stand today, using the couch. I think he was somewhat surprised that it happened. He started out on his knees, and then pushed with his hands. But instead of sliding back, he ended up straightening his legs. He looked over at me, opened his eyes as wide as they would go, and gave me the biggest smile he had. I think that was the first time he'd ever done it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Holding His Own

He loves to hold his own bottle. He also likes to hold his own spoon while he's being fed, but that doesn't work out quite as well.


Ian is now crawling in the traditional sense: moving both hands and both knees in sequence. He's still pretty slow, but he seems to be enjoying the freedom and exploration. He doesn't go on the tile, I think because it's too hard, but he always gets right up next to it.

Courage vs Security

this is an audio post - click to play

In psychology, they talk about how when a child is beginning to explore the world, a baby will go out and explore, then they will come back to home base (mama) to develop more courage, then they will go back again. I never realized then how fun it would be to be that home base, he will be having a good time playing, then he will crawl over and climb up in my lap. As a mom, I feel both proud of him for having the courage to go and explore and nothing less than thrilled sincere joy when he makes all the effort to crawl back. I just can't help but pick him up and laugh with joy. I adore that kid!


The following 3 audio posts (actually done before this post) contain incredibly cheesy mama-baby songs. Do no listen unless you are prepared for less than optimal singing straight from the heart of a silly little mom.

Ian B'Nian

this is an audio post - click to play

Ian- Boo Boo- Bucka Bucka

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saturday, May 20, 2006

First Swimming Trip

Here's his swimsuit. He looks buffed. Sorry it's a bit out of focus.

Twinkle in his eyes