Friday, April 14, 2006

Rolling Around

Yesterday morning we set the camera on its tripod while Ian was playing on the ground. We got about 30 minutes of footage, but he moves slow so we sped it up 16 times the original rate. It's a pretty funny sight. Then April did a voice-over commentary. This one is a little bigger than the rest, about 5MB, so please be patient while it loads.

Friday, April 07, 2006


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I love my TiVo. In today's world it just seems silly to think that my viewing should be dictated by a broadcast schedule. There's always something to watch, especially because it records suggestions based on my viewing habits.

One of the things I love about TiVo is its constant upgrading. Whenever there are new software updates, they're automatically sent to my TiVo. The other day I received another update. Included in this update is a new podcast program. It's great because I can listen to podcasts from the TV, which is often much more convenient than the computer. They even have a great directory to help you find podcasts. I didn't previously know it, but a lot of my favorite NPR shows have podcasts.

Podcasts have been around for quite some time now, but seeing a podcaster on TiVo has made me realize that they may be a lot more prevalent than I thought. As such, we've decided to add podcasting to

You can hear the audio files directly from our website, or point your favorite podgrabber (TiVo, iTunes, iPodder, &c.) to:

Thursday, April 06, 2006


this is an audio post - click to play
So Ian likes the piano. Me- I can't play even the simplest of church songs. I've never had a lesson. But I like to try, so I have a keyboard. Well-Ever since Ian was a week or two old, I take him to it for as long as he is interested. The moment he gets bored, I take him away. It used to be about 2 seconds. Now he's up to like 10-15 min before he gets bored. He really likes it. It's just fun to watch him. I'm assuming in a few weeks, he'll decide it's baby stuff and no longer be interested, but as for now... Why not? Maybe he'll like it. It's a great cause and effect toy.

Our little migrater

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WEll, the little boy is thinking about crawling. Not suceeding yet in the traditional sense, but more migrating across the floor. He can now travel a good 10 feet or so- between rolling and slithering forward, he is getting quite mobile. We'll glance away- look back- and then he'll be 2 feet away. He's quite a lot of fun to watch.

He's just started to play with toys over the last couple of weeks. It's funny. He went from NOT INTERESTED. Too VERY interested. I just love to watch him when he's playing. He gets this look on his face like, "Hmm. What's going on here?"

Slobbery Smooches

this is an audio post - click to play
Ian will put ANYTHING in his mouth- including your face. (Nose, forehead, cheek bones, chin.) For the first few weeks, I wrote it off as just that - the "putting everything in your mouth" faze. A couple of weeks ago, however, Dave mentioned that he thought this was a kiss attempt. To be honest, I didn't believe him at first. But I'll be darned- It's true. You should see it. It's really cute. He'll be sitting on my lap, then suddenly lean over- suck on my cheek for 1.5 seconds and then move on with life- leaving my cheek quite slobbery and my heart smiling. As Dave put it. That kid gets lots and lots of kisses. It only makes sense that eventually he would immitate us.

You should see that baby boy's greetings! He must be bridging into object permanance. (Maybe he doesn't remember that you aren't there, but he know's something's missing.) The other day, I came in from work. And like so many days- His blue eyes just lit up and gave me the HUGEST smile. My heart lept for joy! As Dave puts it, it's like suddently he sees you and realizes that you are familiar. And he just lights up. He is elated! He produces a smile so big it takes up half his face. He yelps out the most excited cheer. You just can't help but hug him and cherish the moment. You just want to hold on for forever- while you still can.

My parents are on the other end of this Parenting thing- they are in the process of "emptying the nest" so to speak. That day seems so far away, and maybe I will feel differently when the day comes, but right now, that seems like the most miserable thing on earth.

I just feel like I need to treasure every moment, because one day he will grow up. And while, of course, that is and will be my wish. I think with every step there is just a little bit of grief for the time that has past so quickly and those joyous moments- those vibrant and colorful memories- that I fear might fade into the backdrop of my life.